Serious illness of a child: coverage of the property loan by CNP - 27 janv. 2023

This is a European first! At the instigation of Eva pour la vie, CNP Assurances includes a "family guarantee" in its mortgage loan insurance without additional premium, allowing families who have to stop working to take care of their child suffering from cancer, serious illness or an accident of life to benefit from a coverage of the monthly payments

Every year in France, thousands of children and their families are affected by illness, disability or a serious accident. Number one in creditor insurance in France, CNP Assurances has been offering its banking partners a new “family assistance” guarantee since December 2022 at no additional cost to the policyholder .

The objective of this cover is to help the families covered at a critical moment in their existence by taking charge of 50% of the amount of the monthly payment of the mortgage within the limit of 4,000 euros per month . More specifically, this guarantee is intended for parents forced to stop their professional activity to assist their child (sick, disabled, victim of a serious accident) and benefiting from the Daily Parental Presence Allowance (AJPP) paid by the Caisse d' Family allowances.

Built with Eva pour la vie and with the support of the Grandir sans cancer federation, this guarantee provides financial assistance to the parents concerned for up to 28 months . La Banque Postale, a shareholder of CNP, is the first bank to offer it, since December 2022, to all mortgage subscribers.

This is a major step forward and unique in Europe: in fact, the mortgage is the first charge for young families . This advance will save lives: certain low-income families are sometimes forced to give up care for the child, not because of the cost of the care itself (generally well taken care of in France) but because of the costs involved and the impossibility to stop working, especially for single-parent families

At the same time, in the borrower customer area, CNP Assurances provides families affected by the serious illness of their child with a kit developed with the association to guide them through their medical, administrative and financial procedures.

More info on the CNP website

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