Meeting at the Ministry of Solidarity and Health - 04 févr. 2020

On Thursday, January 30, the government rejected, through the voice of its Minister of Labor Mr. Pénicaud, the private member's bill from deputy Guy Bricout, driven by Pascaline Meyer (Lucie's smile) with the support of Corinne Vedrenne, president Eva for life. This aimed to extend the number of days of paid leave from 5 to 12 days following the death of a child. Reason given: this extension would penalize companies. This rejection has aroused the indignation of families but also millions of people, the major national and international media, but also the political class. President Macron having asked his government to show humanity and react quickly, Eva pour la vie was invited by Secretary of State Mr. Taquet and Ms. Pénicaud to a consultation on Tuesday, February 4.

We recalled, with the federation Growing Up Without Cancer, the socio-budgetary and legal needs, both for the families of sick children, victims of an "accident of life" or of a handicap, as well as for those who are faced with the loss of a child:

Help for families during a child's illness or disability:
- Simplification of access to state aid
- Financial and social protection of families

Help for families following the death of a child
- The extension for all of the leave following the death of a child
- Maintaining measures to protect families during a period of respite
- Financial assistance for families of deceased children: the public death benefit

In addition, we recalled that legislative proposals were awaiting debate (in particular, François Ruffin's PPL on the public death benefit extended to children, filed in May 2019) and that a 142-page dossier, resulting from the work very comprehensive (which deals with most of the subjects we defend today) conducted between 2015 and early 2017 by MP Martine Faure under the leadership of Eva pour la vie, was at their disposal.

The government has promised us broad and swift action. We take note, and wish to obtain strong commitments by Wednesday February 12, 2020, date of the 3rd conference "Growing Up Without Cancer" which will take place at the National Assembly.

"We provide you with turnkey measures, the fruit of the in-depth work carried out over several years ... Putting them in place quickly would allow you (...) to give the French a little confidence in your government " - Corinne Vedrenne, in Adrien Taquet and Muriel Pénicaud.

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