On Friday November 17, a check in the amount of 29,463 euros was given to Inserm in Bordeaux - to support the research work of Caroline Capdevieille - by Michel Baylet, President of Groupama Center-Atlantique, and Sophie Dancygier - General Delegate of the Groupama Foundation for Health. Christophe Grosset - Research Director and Martin HAGEDORN, teacher and researcher at INSERM Bordeaux, as well as Stéphane Védrenne, co-founder of the Association Éva pour la Vie, partner of this collaboration, were also present for this check discount.
On May 20 and 21, 2017, 10 “Solidarity walks” were organized by the Groupama Health Foundation, in partnership with the Éva pour la Vie association, in 10 departments in the far south-west. All of the contributions were donated in full to a promising research project, unique in Europe, on pediatric brain tumors (in particular brainstem tumors, currently without treatment in France), led by the team. by Dr Hagedorn from INSERM in Bordeaux.
Each year, 2,500 new children are diagnosed with cancer and 500 children die from it. Or 20 school classes. A figure that has not declined for fifteen years.
Thank you to this great company, to its members and heartfelt participants, for helping research and also relaying our FOND expectations, that is to say the creation by the French State of funding dedicated to cancer research. and incurable childhood illnesses - more essential than ever. Associations and companies can obviously help, but they can not everything, in one of the most taxed countries in the world.