
Novembre 2018

Amendment: 5 million euros / year for pediatric cancers

On Tuesday, November 6, Stéphane Vedrenne (co-founder of the Eva pour la vie association) met the deputy Eric Woerth, author of an amendment voted in the finance committee, aiming to allocate 18 million euros / year to research on childhood cancer. On November 13, this amendment, debated late at night, was not supported by Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn.

However, at the instigation of our association, committed members of parliament (Amélie de Montchalin, Benoit Simian, Laurianne Rossi) as well as member associations of Grandir Sans Cancer, the Minister of Research Frédérique Vidal decided to allocate a fund of 5 million euros per year dedicated to oncopediatric research.

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Mai 2018

1st pediatric cancer conference at the National Assembly

On Wednesday May 16, the deputy of Gironde Benoît Simian organized, with the Federation Grandir Sans Cancer, of which the Eva pour la vie association is co-founder, a conference on the fight against cancer and incurable pediatric diseases. A first for the National Assembly.

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Février 2018

Eva for Life on CNEWS

February 4 was International Cancer Day. To see again, the dedicated program on CNEWS with among others guest, Fabrice Subirada, support of the association Eva pour la vie and president of the Federation Growing Up Without Cancer. The findings, the brutal rejection of the amendment by Benoit Simian, the Federation, the RV, the appeal to Mr. and Mrs. Macron: all these points were addressed, in a calm and determined manner.

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Février 2018

Report on Arte

This February 15, for the attention of the International Childhood Cancer Day, a very nice report from Arte on pediatric cancers. And on the Growing Up Without Cancer federation, of which Eva pour la vie is a co-founder. Public generosity is today the main mode of support for research on pediatric cancer. This is insufficient when we know that the French State has the means to act, for children, for families.

See the report:

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Février 2018

HAPPI study on pesticides

Cancer kills more than 500 children / year in France, the equivalent of 20 school classes, a figure that has not fallen for 15 years. While research must be supported in an attempt to reduce the number of deaths, much remains to be done in terms of prevention. Alerted by local residents, Eva pour la vie & the Info Médoc Pesticides Collective co-financed the HAPPI study, aimed at having the KUDZU SCIENCE laboratory analyze dust samples taken from homes bordering vines - welcoming children or pregnant women - as well as in an elementary school classroom.

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Février 2018

Eva for the guest life of Cash Investigation

Because more children need to be treated, but a real prevention policy must ALSO be put in place, Eva pour la vie has decided to finance the HAPPI study, aimed at looking for pesticides in room dust. 'children, schools. Places of nurtured lives where our children should feel safe.

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Février 2018

Report on Au Feminin

On this world day in the fight against childhood cancer, we invite you to watch the moving testimony, and to listen to the clear message from Maria, who lost her son Guillaume, 15 years old, a few months ago, from a Sarcoma of Ewing. Thank you to her and to Le Féminin, which invites us to sign our petition asking the State to create a fund dedicated to research on cancers and serious diseases in children, and to improve support for families ...

See the video on the AU FEMININ page

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Février 2018

Childhood cancers: meeting in Matignon

Continuing its work to inform the public authorities newly at the head of the country, the Federation Growing Up Without Cancer - of which Eva pour la vie is a co-founder - was received on Friday February 2 in Matignon by the technical adviser to the health of the Prime Minister , Mr. Guillaume Couillard to discuss the issue of the fight against childhood cancer ...

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Décembre 2017

Cancers & serious childhood illnesses: an example of family support

Eva for Life supports - with your help - research on childhood cancer, but not only. Whether a child has cancer, leukemia or another serious disease, the observation is the same: solutions must be found, for research, to help families, without pitting a child against a child. other.

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Décembre 2017

Meeting with Brigitte Macron

Following the death of her son Guillaume from cancer, Maria MENICACCI-FERRAIN wrote to Madame Brigitte MACRON to request an appointment, which was granted. She went to the Elysée on Thursday, December 21, accompanied by Dr Marie CASTETS (researcher, INSERM) and Stéphane VEDRENNE (co-founder of Eva pour la vie) to discuss the issues of funding research in pediatric oncology and family assistance .

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Décembre 2017

1st pediatric cancer research conference in Lyon

This Monday, December 11, the Lyon International Cancer Research Center hosted, under the leadership of Drs Marie Castet & Christophe Bergeron and their team, the 1st colloquium on basic research in pediatric oncology. Many researchers and associations, including the Eva pour la vie association, were present. 3 political decision-makers - including the former MP Martine Faure - were also stakeholders.

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Novembre 2017

Groupama Center-Atlantique & Eva for Life: joint support for research

On Friday November 17, a check in the amount of 29,463 euros was given to Inserm in Bordeaux - to support the research work of Caroline Capdevieille - by Michel Baylet, President of Groupama Center-Atlantique, and Sophie Dancygier - General Delegate of the Groupama Foundation for Health. Christophe Grosset - Research Director and Martin HAGEDORN, teacher and researcher at INSERM Bordeaux, as well as Stéphane Védrenne, co-founder of the Association Éva pour la Vie, partner of this collaboration, were also present for this check discount.

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Novembre 2017

Cancers: the children after!

500 children die from it each year. Parents and researchers denounce the lack of public resources for research. They appeal to Emmanuel Macron. Read the article on

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Novembre 2017

Senate: Alain Fouché challenges Agnès Buzyn

THANKS to Senator Alain Fouché from Vienna, who questioned this AM Ms. Buzyn, Minister of Health, on the low funding for pediatric oncology research. The disengagement of the French State in this area over the past 20 years is visible today with the story of little Robin, mentioned by the senator, and many other children, whether or not supported by social security. : Will we have to send our children - suffering from the most difficult cancers - abroad so that they have a chance of being cured?

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Novembre 2017

Allo Docteurs broadcasts Eva's forum for life

Thank you @Allodocteurs, on France 5 for having relayed our recent Huffington Post column addressed to Mr Macron, asking for his arbitration in favor of a law for the funding of research on cancers and incurable diseases of the child

To see the video of Allo Docteurs click here.

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Octobre 2017

RV at the Ministry of Research

The representatives of the Eva Pour la Vie association and the Cassandra Association, accompanied by Doctor Marie CASTETS, researcher at the Cancer Research Center of Lyon, had an appointment at the Ministry of Research with Isabelle RICHARD, health advisor at the cabinet of the Minister.

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Octobre 2017

Rejection of Benoit Simian's amendment: our reaction

The amendment proposed by the deputy of the Gironde Benoit Simian - whom we thank for his unwavering involvement - aiming to allocate 20 million euros / year to the funding of research on pediatric cancer & leukemia (via the Chirac tax on plane tickets, which already exist and would therefore not have generated a new tax) was discussed overnight from Saturday to Sunday - around 2 a.m. - at the National Assembly.

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Juin 2017

Un soutien concret à la recherche et aux familles

Nouveaux soutiens financiers aux chercheurs, accentuation de l'aide aux familles, et des actions légales ... découvrez nos actions pour les enfants atteints de cancers (mise à jour de juin 2017).

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Février 2017

The flame of hope (several cities)

On the occasion of Childhood Cancer Day, around thirty associations - including Eva pour la vie - have come together under a collective: the Children's Party. A flame of hope, which represents the strength and courage of sick children, and our common determination to advance research, traveled through 8 cities from February 8 to 19, 2017.

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Septembre 2016


De nombreuses personnalités, dont les acteurs de la série "Plus belle la vie", se mobilisent en faveur de la lutte contre les cancers de l'enfant. Pour soutenir la recherche, qui pourrait être fortement soutenue par une loi ...

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