
Janvier 2025

Vote au Senat de 15M€ pour la recherche clinique sur les cancers de l'enfant

Fin octobre 2024, dans le cadre de la loi de finances 2025, un amendement corédigé par Eva pour la vie et les députés visant à soutenir la recherche CLINIQUE sur les cancers pédiatriques, c’est à dire au chevet des petits patients, avait été voté à l'Assemblée nationale. La censure du gouvernement avait bloqué les débats et son débat au Sénat, mais c'est désormais chose faite à travers un vote unanime ...

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Décembre 2024

Vote for Vincent Thiébaut's PPL - families of sick and disabled children

The proposal by MP Vincent Thiébaut, co-constructed with Eva pour la vie & Grandir Sans Cancer, aimed at optimizing the protection and support of parents of children with cancer, serious illnesses and disabilities was voted unanimously in the National Assembly on December 3, 2024. While most of the initial measures were voted, it suffered the deletion of an article that concerned young owners, but benefited from additional advances through amendments. All in all, major advances for these families, which will be applicable as soon as the Senate has, in turn, voted on it...

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Octobre 2024

€25,000 thanks to Cartman in "The Game Master"!

Our godfather Cartman brilliantly represented Eva for life during his participation in the show "Le maitre du jeu", broadcast every Friday in October on TF1, in order to support the fight against childhood cancers. A look back at a great victory!

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Septembre 2024

Our platform brings together 130 deputies, associations and professionals

Published in the daily newspaper Libération, the column "Let's mobilize to the end to treat pediatric cancers!" written by Eva pour la vie & the Grandir Sans Cancer Federation raises awareness among public authorities of the need to increase the fund dedicated to research into childhood cancers from €5 to €25 million/year, in order to include clinical research. In addition, the co-signatories are calling for the creation of an investment fund to enable the development of pediatric drug startups, or a public drug establishment, prioritizing cancers and pathologies with poor prognosis in children.

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Mai 2024

New bill for families of seriously ill children

MP Vincent Thiébaut worked with Eva pour la vie & Grandir Sans Cancer on a major bill aimed at optimizing the protection and support of parents of children with cancer, serious illnesses and disabilities, to make France exemplary in this area. It is massively supported by MPs: more than a hundred - some of whom are already very committed to the subject - have co-signed it. Objective: a debate in parliament for a vote by summer 2024.

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Février 2024

Pediatric cancer conference at the National Assembly

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, a new conference, Growing up without cancer, was organized within the National Assembly, thanks to the intervention of MP Paul Christophe, in the presence of several dozen MPs, researchers, professionals and association representatives.

An unprecedented joint mobilization in France since 2017, with quality exchanges that have made it possible to obtain strong progress for children with cancer and disabilities, but which must be completed through 3 main objectives, set out by the associations, elected officials and professionals concerned...

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Décembre 2023

Home loan support for families of seriously ill children

The association Eva pour la vie is, with Grandir Sans Cancer and the deputy Paul Christophe, at the origin of an unprecedented decision by all French insurance companies and banks aimed at taking charge of the monthly mortgage payments of families of children suffering from cancer and serious illnesses.

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Octobre 2023

My Teddy Bear's Hospital in Strasbourg

Thanks to our donors, Eva pour la vie is providing a grant of €20,000 allowing Pharmavie to set up a space dedicated to young patients suffering from cancer, within the pediatric oncology and hematology department of the day hospital at the Haute Pierre Hospital in Strasbourg.

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Septembre 2023

Call for pediatric cancer projects

Doing everything to reduce the number of childhood cancer deaths in France and around the world is our priority. On the occasion of #septembreenor , Eva pour la vie is presenting an additional call for projects worth 100,000 euros.

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Juillet 2023

Housing, employment...: new protections for families of sick children

A new victory resulting from joint work! Paul Christophe's bill, designed with Eva pour la vie and Grandir Sans Cancer, aimed at strengthening the protection of families of children suffering from a serious illness has been definitively adopted, after being enriched by the Senate. It brings significant progress for families in terms of employment, housing and the AJPP. It also extends the leave for announcing and bereavement of a child and sets up an experiment with the CAF to greatly simplify the lives of the families concerned.

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Avril 2023

"Real estate credit" column published by Le Monde

Le Monde is publishing our column "For the coverage of monthly mortgage payments by borrower insurance for families of seriously ill children" co-signed by 185 cross-party MPs, as well as 85 parents' associations.

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Mars 2023

Pediatric cancer broadcast on LCP

Cancers: forgotten children? This is the theme of the program "Débats docs" broadcast this Wednesday, March 22 at 8:30 p.m. on LCP. After a poignant documentary, Stéphane Vedrenne, co-founder of Eva pour la vie and president of the Grandir Sans Cancer federation, discussed with MP Béatrice Descamps and a biologist the situation of research, the disengagement of drug manufacturers and the social aspects: in addition to the difficulty of the disease, social problems for families are too often added.

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Mars 2023

Families of sick children: vote for Paul Christophe's PPL

This bill aims to better protect families of seriously ill children in the face of employment, to accelerate access to the AJPP (daily parental presence allowance) and to set up an experiment with the administrations to better support families, particularly with regard to the remaining costs. It was worked on with Eva pour la vie and the Grandir Sans Cancer Federation

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Février 2023

Pediatric cancer conference at the National Assembly

This is an unprecedented event, initiated by the Grandir Sans Cancer & Eva pour la vie federation since 2017. This time of discussion bringing together families, associations, professionals, doctors, researchers and many parliamentarians makes it possible to address the issues of research and social aspects for families of children suffering from cancer, serious illnesses and disabilities.

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Janvier 2023

Serious illness of a child: coverage of the property loan by CNP

This is a European first! At the instigation of Eva pour la vie, CNP Assurances includes a "family guarantee" in its mortgage loan insurance without additional premium, allowing families who have to stop working to take care of their child suffering from cancer, serious illness or an accident of life to benefit from a coverage of the monthly payments

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Janvier 2023

10000€ to Draw me high tech

Dessine-moi la High-Tech is an association driven by a double ambition: to lighten the daily lives of hospitalized children through High-Tech workshops while supporting pediatric oncology research. Eva pour la vie has decided to allocate a grant of €10,000 to support, across the whole of France, their workshops run by experienced volunteers. A moment of respite much appreciated by sick children. Interview with Pascal Budet...

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Septembre 2022

AJPP and unemployment: our mobilization leads to the Ministry of Solidarity

Since the summer, the CAF had been reducing the rights of the families of parents of sick children by limiting the number of days of AJPP (daily allowance of parental presence) for job seekers to the remainder of the days of unemployment. In other words, while this right was established at 310 renewable days for employees, self-employed persons and job seekers having to cease their professional activity (or their job search) to take care of their child, the latter category became heavily penalised: 10 days of unemployment = 10 days of AJPP instead of 310 days.

The associations Eva pour la vie, LEA and a collective of parents, " Mobilization AJPP " mobilized together with the support of the Federation Growing Up Without Cancer .

During September, Eva pour la vie obtained an RV, with the support of deputy Paul Christophe, at the Ministry of Solidarity, who agreed with us.

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Septembre 2022

New directory: parents' houses

Families of children of sick children sometimes live far from the children's hospital. This is particularly common for pediatric oncology, the various departments only existing in large cities. While it is often possible for a single parent to sleep near their child, some services do not allow this. In addition, the 2 parents or even the siblings want to be able to be present in these difficult times. Hospital reception houses offer an economical housing solution. Our directory allows you to find the addresses, contact details and prices by department...

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Juin 2022

Advanced - La Banque Postale waives fees following the death of a child

Application fees to close the booklet A of a child who died of cancer: a situation denounced by Eva for life, widely reported by the media. La Banque Postale waives these fees for all deceased minors. Better: Bercy invites other banks to do the same. Otherwise, it will legislate...

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Mai 2022

Investigation: shocking bank charges following the death of a child

Several families have alerted us to a shocking practice: after the death of a child, some banks charge "file fees" to close their savings account, sometimes referring to inheritance costs. Faced with this situation, we have decided, on the one hand, to alert the media, and on the other hand, to carry out a major investigation...

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